How to Choose the Right Plants for Your Garden and Landscape – AJ’s Landscapes & Groundworks

Right Plants for Your Garden and Landscape.

With the help of these advice on how to pick the best plants for your garden, you can choose plants for your yard that will look stunning and require little maintenance. Read this article how to choose the right plants for your garden and landscape.

Choose A Color Scheme

Colour is one of the first things to choose when creating the plan for your garden. The colour scheme will determine the mood of the area, just like when you are decorating a room.

We typically try to limit the number of colours in a single garden bed or area to a maximum of three for a unified appearance. If you want a wilder feeling, feel free to use more, or if you prefer a serene monochromatic feeling, use less.

Wildflowers are a great way to inject color into your garden and also attract more wildlife – we would recommend this


Different shapes, sizes, and textures 

The next step in selecting the best plants for landscaping is to mix up the plant’s sizes, shapes, and textures.

Between shorter, more rounded bushes, taller, thinner plants add interest.

Plants with narrower leaves, such as grasses, complement those with broader leaves well.

Privet has a short, medium green color, pointy leaf with a standard brown stem – we would recommend this.
Griselinia has a larger, light green color, round leaf with a yellow stem – we would recommend this.
Photinia has a longer, dark green color, pointy lead with red stem/new growth – we would recommend this.

All of the above recommendations, include a variety of colours, textures and can be trimmed into any shape.

Related article: 5 Ways to Care for Your Garden – AJ’s Landscapes & Groundworks

Think about All Seasons

Keep in mind that even though your garden might not always be in bloom, you can still see it all year.

Consider your plants’ blooming schedule when choosing different varieties so you can have flowers all year long.

Don’t forget to choose some plants that will add interest in the winter.

This could be plants that are evergreen and retain their leaves.

You must keep track of which areas of your garden receive the most sun and which receive the least in order to choose plants that will thrive there. Use only plants that require the amount of light being provided.

Hollys are a great seasonal shrub offering a red berry through the winter months – we would recommend this.
Hydrangeas offer a variety of colors throughout the summer months – we would recommend this.
Fuchsias offer color in your garden in autumn and come in a variety of colors – we would recommend this.
Rhododendron offer a variety of colors in your garden during the spring months – we would recommend this.

Think About The Mature Size

Getting plants that are too large for your space is a very frequent issue. Even seasoned gardeners occasionally commit this error!

It is very simple to make plans based on the plant’s current size in the pot. However, once they are planted, the majority of plants will grow MUCH bigger.

Be sure to estimate their size once they reach adulthood. Don’t cram them too tightly.

If your plants get to large for there pots you could use one of these medium or large plant pots – we would recommend this

How Much Maintenance Will You Put In?

Different types of maintenance are needed for various plant types.

For some plant species to remain healthy, such as the majority of roses, regular pruning is required.

Some plants self-seed, so you might need to remove any that start growing in the wrong places.

Some plants require division every few years in order to continue blooming.

Make sure to do a little research on the plants you intend to buy to find out what their maintenance requirements are if you’re trying to reduce the amount of work that needs to be done in the yard.

When pruning shrubs in your garden with secateurs – we would recommend this.
When transplanting shrubs in your garden with a trowl – we would recommend this.
When doing any maintenance in your garden always use gloves – we would recommend this.

Stage your plants

Garden walls can be used as a blank canvas to display plants. To make the ideal setting for your planting scheme, experiment with a variety of colours and textures. Consider it to be an interior wall and consider inventive and useful ways to enhance your plants.

To ensure that there is something to see every month, always include examples from a variety of plant families.

When using a wall you could use climbing plants, trellis is always good to allow the plant to climb – we would recommend this

You could also think about getting a wall planter for trailing plants – we would recommend this. 

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