Let us help you find the best solution for your needs.. Step 1 of 4 - Step 1 0% What kind of premises do you have?DomesticCommercialWhat is the status of this property?*You own itYou rent itWhat services do you require? Tree work Landscapes work Ground work Custom wood work What items do you want work doing to? Tree Bush Hedgerow Stump Anything elseWhat specific service you require doing? Felling Grinding Trimming Pruning Planting Landscape OptionsWhat is the size of your garden?What would you like to have build in your garden landscapes?For example a patio or a pond or a drive way etcGround Work OptionsWhat is the size of your project?What specific service you require doing? Footings , Drainage Block / Brick work Custom Wood Work OptionsDo you have an idea of what you will like made?Do you have the (raw) material to use for your custom wood work?YesNo Is there anything else you will like us to consider before us recommending the best services for your requirements?How soon are you looking to get this work done?*As soon asWithin 1 monthBetween 1 - 3 monthsIn 6 months Where are you based?*DorsetWiltshireHampshire Full Name* First Email* Address* Street Address Phone ( Without 0 in the front)* I m happy for you to contact me regarding this. Δ